5 Solid Reasons to Get Ready Every Morning (even if you’re not going anywhere!)

There may or may not be REAL science behind this, but I have forever been a believer that getting ready in the morning makes all the difference in what my days turn out looking like. Do we all need an occasional lazy day where all we do in the AM is wash our face, make that gigantic cup of coffee and lounge around in the same pjs we woke up in until the sun goes down?-ABSOLUTELY! But in general, getting ready in the morning sets the tone for productivity, mood, outlook and what you radiate to those around you throughout the day. Why should you get into the habit of getting ready every morning? Why should you establish this habit in the new year if you don’t already do this? I’ve listed out 5 SOLID reasons to consider below! 

  1. When you look better, you FEEL better. At the end of the day, it is NOT about how we look but about doing the little things that are going to get us to the point of FEELING GOOD about ourselves. If we can start the day off feeling great, then we’re bound to start off a chain reaction of that’ll lead to an amazing day! 

  2. You will be ready to leave your home in the event of an EMERGENCY. Being faced with an emergency that requires you to leave your home but being unprepared to do so can be very stressful. Being ready to run out the door with my children, by myself, or with a parent in a moment’s notice brings me peace. 

  3. Getting dressed every morning sets me up to be PRODUCTIVE. It’s important to me to show my children that there is beauty in waking up everyday and being productive. For me, that is getting dressed, being their mom, doing my job, being present when they get home from school and taking care of them and our home.  

  4. Starting the day by getting dressed feeds a GOOD ROUTINE. Establishing and maintaining a good routine sets you up for success and can lead to benefits like improved mental, physical and emotional health. 

  5. Emphasizing the VALUE OF SELF-CARE through taking the time to get ready everyday sets a great example for your family, your children, other mothers, and other women. It is far too easy to fall into the routine of caring for everyone BUT ourselves, but the reality is that if we do not take the time to care for ourselves, we cannot properly care for those we love.  


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